Putt-off Competition at The Links at Hampton Cove
Every Saturday from May 4 to September 28
Sign up Time: 1:00 PM (on same day)
Start Time: 2:00 PM
- Each contestant will have one chance per round for three rounds to sink their putt.
- The contestant with the most putts sank after the three rounds will be declared the weekly winner and will receive a prize from our sponsor at Sleeman’s.
- Each weekly winner will also qualify for their chance to compete in the finals on Saturday, September 28th, to win a 2025 season’s pass to The Links at Hampton Cove.
If there is a tie after the three rounds, a tiebreaker round will be held until there is only one winner
- Participants must all putt from the same marked spot.
- All contestants are expected to play with sportsmanship and respect for fellow competitors.
Have fun and enjoy the event!